Inn-N-Out Protein Style

Inn-N-Out 1

I’m sorry everyone, but the combination of the time change and the fact that we are moving in less than a month has turned my life upside down. Today I was out running errands until 2pm and I realized that I completely forgot to stop for lunch. As much as I love cooking, on crazy days like this I have no choice, but to pick up something eat. In-N-Out is my go to Low Carb friendly savior when I need something to eat in a flash. Their burgers are freshly made and if you simply say to make it “protein style” they will happily wrap your burger in lettuce. Many other fast food spots have copied this trait, but I have found that few are truly capable of wrapping a burger so you can actually pick it up. The next time your stuck running errands, like me, grab a yummy In-N-Out protein style burger for lunch.

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